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Vin on Video

MI Innovations Team
Feb 25, 2025

In this lovely interview, Ted Meissner asks Vin Harris to speak about his own path to mindfulness, as well as the development of the Fieldbook for Mindfulness Innovators and the Innovations in Mindfulness Awards. They go on to explore why innovation is important in mindfulness, and what Vin is excited about seeing in mindfulness innovation.

Nobody ever says "I'm going to keep this to myself". To me, it's an expression of basic human goodness that they want to share it with others. But how do they find a way to do that?

The whole video is less than half an hour long, so do take a look, for a brief history of this programme and why it matters.

MI Innovations Team


What a terrific conversation! I love the connection to the Hero’ Journey and sharing the treasure. Also, the importance of finding our way of connecting our mindfulness work to whatever else we are sharing in the world. Creating spaces and communities for connection is key. We all want to belong and to see ourselves represented and valued! Terrific episode Ted! - Theresa Meikle

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